2003-07-04> - >>->
2003-07-04> - >>->
2003-07-01> - >>keeps gettin hotter>
2003-06-30> - >>->
2003-06-26> - >>icey>
2003-06-13> - >>this silence stabbs my mind>
2003-06-13> - >>->
2003-06-13> - >>->
2003-06-09> - >>->
2003-06-08> - >>->
2003-05-31> - >>one foot close to the edge>
2003-05-30> - >>->
2003-05-30> - >>if then when>
2003-05-29> - >>->
2003-05-29> - >>please>
2003-05-24> - >>->
2003-05-22> - >>exactly>
2003-05-21> - >>->
2003-05-20> - >>->
2003-05-20> - >>->
2003-05-20> - >>->
2003-05-18> - >>->
2003-05-13> - >>->
2003-05-11> - >>->
2003-05-09> - >>->
2003-05-08> - >>->
2003-05-07> - >>this apathy>
2003-05-07> - >>->
2003-05-05> - >>if then>
2003-05-02> - >>fuck you>
2003-05-01> - >>->
2003-04-30> - >>all and all>
2003-04-25> - >>->
2003-04-24> - >>is this where>
2003-04-21> - >>silence>
2003-04-15> - >>->
2003-04-13> - >>this is all>
2003-04-11> - >>->
2003-04-11> - >>take me away from this place>
2003-04-04> - >>->
2003-04-04> - >>->
2003-04-03> - >>->
2003-04-01> - >>->
2003-03-28> - >>->
2003-03-27> - >>influenced>
2003-03-27> - >>complete shit>
2003-03-25> - >>->
2003-03-23> - >>->
2003-03-20> - >>bleck>
2003-03-18> - >>all is good in the neighborhood>
2003-03-13> - >>->
2003-03-11> - >>->
2003-03-11> - >>->
2003-03-10> - >>->
2003-03-10> - >>->
2003-03-10> - >>->
2003-03-09> - >>haha yup>
2003-03-09> - >>scarry>
2003-03-09> - >>fast as you can>
2003-03-04> - >>id give anything>
2003-03-04> - >>->
2003-03-04> - >>->
2003-03-04> - >>->
2003-03-04> - >>->
2003-03-04> - >>ordinary day>
2003-03-02> - >>:) <- thats me all happy>
2003-02-26> - >>bits of me>
2003-02-26> - >>lookin bad>
2003-02-25> - >>->
2003-02-25> - >>take me>
2003-02-24> - >>->
2003-02-20> - >>a box of crayons>
2003-02-19> - >>tear me apart>
2003-02-17> - >>i <3 you>
2003-02-11> - >>->
2003-02-11> - >>asthmatic>
2003-02-11> - >>->
2003-02-11> - >>->
2003-02-11> - >>->
2003-02-11> - >>->
2003-02-11> - >>filled with greatness>
2003-02-11> - >>->
2003-02-09> - >>my hands are dead, yes dead>
2003-02-07> - >>->
2003-02-05> - >>->
2003-02-05> - >>->
2003-02-04> - >>pure drama>
2003-02-03> - >>X the spot>
2003-02-03> - >>->
2003-02-03> - >>->
2003-02-03> - >>stupidness>
2003-02-02> - >>if my life were a movie there would be a sunset and the camera would pan away>
2003-01-31> - >>stars>
2003-01-29> - >>->
2003-01-28> - >>im mexican>
2003-01-27> - >>pounding of a heart>
2003-01-26> - >>what an interesting quiz>
2003-01-26> - >>->
2003-01-26> - >>all thats great>
2003-01-25> - >>im done with it>
2003-01-24> - >>->
2003-01-24> - >>dead yes>
2003-01-23> - >>ashley judd rocks my world>
2003-01-23> - >>love>
2003-01-22> - >>->
2003-01-22> - >>->
2003-01-22> - >>->
2003-01-22> - >>arg>
2003-01-22> - >>oh yeah>
2003-01-21> - >>its done>
2003-01-21> - >>->
2003-01-21> - >>to be there>
2003-01-21> - >>yet again, yet again>
2003-01-21> - >>->
2003-01-20> - >>alone again>
2003-01-20> - >>everywhere>
2003-01-20> - >>its a pride thing>
2003-01-17> - >>blah>
2003-01-16> - >>...>
2003-01-16> - >>presents>
2003-01-16> - >>more hippos>
2003-01-16> - >>The hippos>
2003-01-16> - >>mmm>
2003-01-16> - >>kiwi>
2003-01-16> - >>meh>
2003-01-16> - >>shit>
2003-01-16> - >>fuck>
2003-01-16> - >>->
2003-01-15> - >>dieing in pain>
2003-01-15> - >>im finally lost>
2003-01-15> - >>your words fall apart>
2003-01-15> - >>quitter>
2003-01-15> - >>sweet addiction>
2003-01-15> - >>to walk with you>
2003-01-15> - >>stupid>
2003-01-15> - >>silence>
2003-01-15> - >>crappy>
2003-01-15> - >>your warmth your breath>
2003-01-14> - >>aha>
2003-01-14> - >>Good Enough>
2003-01-14> - >>clouded eyes and burning toungues>
2003-01-14> - >>it starts again>
2003-01-14> - >>empty>
2003-01-10> - >>the end>
2003-01-10> - >>->
2003-01-10> - >>abandoned>
2003-01-10> - >>alone>
2003-01-08> - >>->
2003-01-08> - >>ah my stupidity>
2003-01-08> - >>->
2003-01-08> - >>solitude>
2003-01-08> - >>conchy good>
2003-01-08> - >>endless>
2003-01-08> - >>the line flashes>
2003-01-08> - >>->
2003-01-08> - >>->
2003-01-08> - >>if only>
2003-01-08> - >>one love>
2003-01-07> - >>life and death>
2003-01-07> - >>an epic adventure!>
2003-01-01> - >>yup>
2002-12-31> - >>two loves>
2002-12-30> - >>over you>
2002-12-25> - >>ice skate>
2002-12-25> - >>oh yeah>
2002-12-24> - >>save me>
2002-12-24> - >>festive>
2002-12-23> - >>little plastic castles>
2002-12-23> - >>everyone should go away>
2002-12-23> - >>empty>
2002-12-20> - >>back again>
2002-12-19> - >>stole this from jaqs journal>
2002-12-19> - >>my empty arms>
2002-12-19> - >>breathless>
2002-12-19> - >>endless dreams>
2002-12-19> - >>running a useles mind>
2002-12-19> - >>rainbows>
2002-12-18> - >>tired>
2002-12-18> - >>blah>
2002-12-18> - >>dead>
2002-12-18> - >>blank>
2002-12-17> - >>bitter confesstions>
2002-12-17> - >>heat is so great, plays tricks with the eye>
2002-12-17> - >>done>
2002-12-17> - >>sucks for you>
2002-12-17> - >>crappy>
2002-12-16> - >>hmmm>
2002-12-16> - >>->
2002-12-16> - >>last note>
2002-12-16> - >>youll never read it all>
2002-12-16> - >>infatuation>
2002-12-16> - >>oh yeah>
2002-12-16> - >>boredom>
2002-12-16> - >>->
2002-12-16> - >>ha>
2002-12-15> - >>shy>
2002-12-15> - >>->
2002-12-15> - >>safety>
2002-12-15> - >>->
2002-12-15> - >>crap>
2002-12-12> - >>good stuff>
2002-12-12> - >>fuck>
2002-12-12> - >>->
2002-12-11> - >>bulimic>
2002-12-11> - >>bi-polar>
2002-12-11> - >>->
2002-12-11> - >>sex>
2002-12-10> - >>happy>
2002-12-10> - >>conch>
2002-12-10> - >>->
2002-12-10> - >>->
2002-12-10> - >>life as a cookie>
2002-12-09> - >>boyfriend>
2002-12-09> - >>bean>
2002-12-09> - >>->
> - >>->
2002-12-08> - >>wow>
2002-12-08> - >>will it work>
2002-12-08> - >>bean>
2002-12-08> - >>->
2002-12-08> - >>->
2002-12-08> - >>left out>
2002-12-06> - >>blurg>
2002-12-05> - >>fuck you too>
2002-12-05> - >>->
2002-12-05> - >>aha>
2002-12-05> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-04> - >>fat>
2002-12-04> - >>god>
2002-12-04> - >>->
2002-12-03> - >>bitten ass>
2002-12-03> - >>->
2002-12-03> - >>->
2002-12-03> - >>->
2002-12-02> - >>->
2002-12-02> - >>->
2002-12-02> - >>rent>
2002-12-01> - >>->
> - >>->
2002-12-01> - >>->
2002-12-01> - >>->
2002-12-01> - >>->
2002-11-30> - >>got any c man?>
2002-11-30> - >>->
2002-11-28> - >>death>
2002-11-26> - >>leticia>
2002-11-26> - >>->
2002-11-26> - >>better>
2002-11-26> - >>->
2002-11-25> - >>fuck>
2002-11-25> - >>->
2002-11-25> - >>lost>
> - >>->
2002-11-25> - >>->
2002-11-25> - >>->
2002-11-25> - >>->
2002-11-25> - >>X>
2002-11-25> - >>no mia>
2002-11-25> - >>another up>
2002-11-25> - >>ups/downs>
2002-11-25> - >>hallow mind>
2002-11-24> - >>->
2002-11-24> - >>->
2002-11-23> - >>->
2002-11-22> - >>->
2002-11-21> - >>ramble ramble ramble.....>
2002-11-21> - >>e-mail and heathers journal>
2002-11-21> - >>endless addiction>
2002-11-21> - >>nasty ass shit>
2002-11-21> - >>ana mia>
2002-11-21> - >>eating>
2002-11-21> - >>block>
2002-11-20> - >>beauty>
2002-11-20> - >>->
2002-11-20> - >>->
2002-11-20> - >>->
2002-11-20> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-19> - >>->
2002-11-18> - >>si>
2002-11-18> - >>->
2002-11-18> - >>the begining>